Claudia's research lies at the intersection of performance, technology, and gender. Her PhD dissertation examines what she terms 'virtual women': female-gendered technologies and objects. She is interested in how such 'virtual women' perform logics of gender and racialized embodiment and re-materialize new ones.
Claudia is also passionate about the role of the artist-scholar, emphasising the relationship between practice and research in her work and teaching and the ways in which these disciplines inform and complement one another.
You can watch Claudia speak at the Volkenberg Puppetry Symposium at the 2023 Chicago International Puppet Theatre Festival here.
You can read Claudia's work on Barbie in In Media Res here and listen to the accompanying podcast episode here.​
You can read an interview with Claudia here.
Please do reach out to connect!
Photo: Myra Su